Benefits of Lemongrass

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Lemongrass is a popular herb used for a variety of natural remedies. Though it is native to India and Sri Lanka, it is currently used all over the world in the practice of alternative medicine. Below is a list of some of the amazing benefits you may find by using lemongrass.


Do not start or stop any treatment, natural remedy or medication without first contacting your healthcare provider. The below suggestions are not intended to diagnose, treat or manage any condition.

Benefits of Lemongrass


Increase red blood cell levels


research study published by Journal of Medicinal Food stated that some patients in the study who drank lemongrass tea daily for 4 weeks increased their hemoglobin levels and raised the red blood cell count in their bodies. The study concluded that drinking lemongrass increased the formation of red blood cells in the majority of the participants. Since red blood cells are what carry oxygen, this research suggests drinking lemongrass tea may be a health benefit.


Natural dandruff treatment


Applying a diluted lemongrass oil solution to the hair follicles has been shown to reduce dandruff and nourish the scalp naturally.




As a natural detoxifying agent, lemongrass can help you eliminate toxins and excess fluid from your body. When ingested daily as an herbal tea, it can help your body filter itself and release toxins. Some people even find it helps them maintain their weight.


Healing Properties


A study released by National Institutes of Health, revealed that lemongrass had antimicrobial abilities against bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans. Lemongrass has also been shown to treat oral infection and cavities because of its antimicrobial properties.



Natural Diuretic

study by the Journal of Renal Nutrition showed that drinking lemongrass tea can increase urine output. This can help naturally treat water retention and bloating. Lemongrass can be used as a natural diuretic when ingested in tea form.


Aromatherapy for Anxiety

The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center research suggests that the use of lemongrass aromatherapy to may help patients with anxiety. Diffusing lemongrass in your home or office diffuser can help you feel more relaxed and calm.


You avoid the use of lemongrass tea if you:

Are taking prescription diuretics

Have low heart rate

Have low potassium levels

During pregnancy

While breastfeeding


Lemongrass can be a great addition to your health routine if used correctly and safely. Be sure you are using a quality, organic, pure lemongrass product (essential oil, tincture or herbal tea) or simply use the natural herb itself from your garden.




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